One week from today, Lord willing, we will be boarding a plane to return to French West Africa once again. Miracle after miracle, blessings after blessing, the Lord continues to direct our ways!!
It is hard to believe that a short time ago we faced some uncertainties with fear and question, only to see the Lord answer every single prayer and bless in ways that only a loving and caring God could possibly do!!
It is hard to believe that a short time ago we faced some uncertainties with fear and question, only to see the Lord answer every single prayer and bless in ways that only a loving and caring God could possibly do!!
God will always prove faithful, if we will but trust HIM!!
I can recall a moment when I served on the Atlantic District Board and we were preparing to move forward on the construction of a brand new campus. The financial stress would be taxing and the risks we were taking were daunting. Would the Lord come through? Will the anticipated miracles materialize? How was God going to work this all out?
In those moments, one man spoke a simple word that has been an anchor to me many times since. Simply stated, he reminded us that as the priesthood stood on the banks fo the Jordan River, about to enter the Promised Land for the very first time, they faced a raging river. Against this torrent of opposition, they took a step in faith and once their feet hit the water God stopped the waters and they marched the ark, and subsequently led the nation through the river on dry ground.
Many times we have to take the first step in order to see the miracle. We are literally one step away from God showing His Glory. Yet if you do not take that first step you can be SO CLOSE and yet never see the handiwork of God!!
As we move forward in faith, God will always prove faithful, if we will but trust HIM!! Against raging rivers, or financial stress we must take the first step on our own and then the Lord will show up.
How many have we encountered that stood on the threshold of their greatest day as a Christian, a minister, or even as a leader of a great church - only to fail to take that one step of faith that would have ushered in the era of the miraculous.
I do not want to be "SO CLOSE" to a miracle and end up paralyzed by fear.
Mission Senegal has proven to be this type of an experience. Over and over again we have had to take a step on our own in order to see the Hand of God move. And yet each and every time we moved beyond our comfort zone and past our fears, Jesus showed up and let us know that we were doing the right thing at the right time!!
May each of His children discover the blessings of moving in faith so that God can reveal His Glory to you over and over again. Do not be one of those who is "SO CLOSE" to a miracle, and yet never seeing its reality