Can we look at a life of 31 or so years and talk about a "life's work"? We live in a day where adulthood seems to be found later and later in life by so many. John lived in a very harsh day where responsibility and living conditions caused childhoods to be abandoned early and maturity grew in places that were hardly ready for its arrival.
Yet the few years that John gave to his ministry, that of preparing the way for Jehovah, were the accomplishment of his "life's work". It is not always the number of years nor the visible evidences of success that mark a "life's work". After all, even John has questions about his ministry as he faced death in the dark confines of prison.
Somehow we must all be encouraged to seek first His kingdom and righteousness. Somehow we must all strive do be and do our best for the Lord each and every day. Somehow we must apply ourselves to putting flesh and blood onto the perfect will of God.
No one can promise to us a long life. After all, "life is but a vapor". Yet whether I live just a few short years or live a long and healthy life, I can accomplish just like John, "my life's work"!!
Put your hand to the plow. Seek and do the will of God each and every day. Live life in such a way that regardless of the moment that God calls you home you will hear Him say, "WELL DONE"!